03/25/98 01:02:46
Name: SOU($B%7%c%U%H@=%+%9%?%`(B) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BB?9q@RMCJInterest: $B%3%V%i$H%7!<%3%V%i!"$I$C$A$,6/$$$s$@$m$&!#(B |
Fav EVA char: $B%"%9%+$b$$$$$1$I!"%l%$$b | |
Fav ST series/char: $B%S%P%j!<%/%i%C%7%c!<#5#7:P(B | Weather there?: $B%7%s%J!U like coffee?: $B:#D+$O%"!<%k%0%l%$$G$9!#(B |
03/24/98 23:59:41
Name: $BE\$j$N%U%i%s%=%o!JIB>2!K(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | U like coffee?: $B0{$s$I$k$o!*!J"+%-%c%iJx2u!K(B |
03/24/98 12:11:12
Name: $B;*!JMy URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B@V$$9q$+$iMh$?%l%$%P!<(B | Interest: $B69$$%H%$%l$K$O?FM'$b7;Do$bL5$$!*(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$$?!<(B$B$s!J9f5c!K(B |
Fav ST series/char: $BD;ItAs0lO:!J;`?@$N%"%*!K(B | Weather there?: $BBT$C$F$$$?$N$O26$@$1$@!*(B | U like coffee?: $B$+$10lCz!"$M$.H4$-$G!#(B |
03/24/98 08:59:48
Name: 98$B<0%"%@%k%H%S%G%*(BSOU | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B |
Interest: $BBfIw$NIw2;$K$h$kK=Av(B | Fav EVA char: $B$W$m$0$J$$$U(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%?%$%W#2$U$'!<$6!<(B | Weather there?: $B%^%s%b%9%U%i%o!<(B | U like coffee?: $B%O%o%$J4%3!<%R!<(B |
03/24/98 03:47:50
Name: sou($B%@%$%J$NMy URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%Y%j%G%#%"%s#3(B | Interest: Redalert!,($B$=$l$O%$%s%?!<%;%W%?!<(B) | Fav EVA char: $B%Y%m%/%m%s#2(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B;H$$=*$o$C$?8e$N%G%#%j%A%&%`!J$=$l$O%H%i%$%j%A%&%`!K(B | Weather there?: $B;0G/@81+!"$C$F0c$&;@@-1+(B | U like coffee?: $B%&%k%H%i%(%9%W%l%C%=(B |
03/24/98 03:40:56
Name: sou($B%@%$%J$NMy URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Nationality: $B%Y%j%G%#%"%s#3(B |
Interest: Redalert!,($B$=$l$O%$%s%?!<%;%W%?!<(B) |
03/23/98 14:41:45
Name: $B$^$C$3$&(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$?$V$sF|K\?M(B | Interest: $BE7BN4QB,(B | Fav EVA char: $B$j$C$A$c$s(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$A$c!<$j!<(B | Weather there?: $B$5$F(B | U like coffee?: $B@($/G;$$$N(B |
03/23/98 12:57:04
Name: $B$"$*$.$j$J$$(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Interest: $B%U%i%s8&$5$s$N4k$_(B |
03/23/98 05:29:32
Name: $BMy URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\(B | Interest: $BEDBFav EVA char: $B!&!&!&%j%D%3$5$s!)(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$o$+$i$s!#(B | Weather there?: $B$7$i$s!#(B | U like coffee?: $B$$$i$s!#(B |
$BF|K\$N%8%*$N%2%9%H%V%C%/$G$b2~9T$O$G$-$J$$$_$?$$$G$9!#(B $B$H$3$m$G!"%*%^!<%8%e$C$F$I$&$$$&0UL#$J$s$G$7$g$&$+!)(B
03/23/98 04:54:40
Name: sou($BD6%"%K%-;EMM(B) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$I$3$+$o$+$i$J$$%"%8%"$N9q(B | Interest: $B5p$@$k(B | Fav EVA char: $B%"%k%U%!9f(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%Y!<%?9f(B | Weather there?: $B%,%s%^9f(B | U like coffee?: $B%I%j%k%_%5%$%k(B |
03/22/98 23:08:23
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/22/98 14:51:50
Name: $B$"$*$.$j$J$$(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Interest: $B$a$=!)(B |
U like coffee?: $B0{$_$?$$46$8!#(B |
03/22/98 11:59:21
Name: $B;*(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BL=I\KbF;(I%%%(B | Interest: $B$7$H$7$H$T$C$A$c$s(I%%%(B | Fav EVA char: $B$"$K$c$K$c$_!<$C(B |
Fav ST series/char: $BGR0lEa(B | Weather there?: $BD9:j$O:#F|$b1+$@$C$?(I%%%(B | U like coffee?: $B$*$H$C$D$"$s8f4!$,=PMh$?$o$h(B |
03/21/98 17:55:44
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/21/98 15:41:17
Name: $B;*(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BFn%Y%H%J%`(B | Interest: $B$^$$$^$$$+$V$j(B | Fav EVA char: $BSK8F(B $B0=GH!"7/$O0lJR$N@c$N$d$&$K2DNy$@(I%%%(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%Y%s!&%1!<%7! | Weather there?: $BM<1G$(:n@o(B | U like coffee?: $B%N%P%<%`%j%c!&%9%?%$%k$G!#(B |
03/20/98 23:01:44
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/19/98 16:18:55
Name: $B$j$C$A$c$s$G$'!A!A$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\?M(B | Interest: $B2V(B | Fav EVA char: $B$*Jl$5$s!"@D6M%J%$;00S(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$A$c!<$j!<(B | Weather there?: $BLk(B | U like coffee?: $B%U%k!<%D5mF}(B |
03/19/98 15:57:37
Name: $BKb=Q;U%d%s(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\(B | Interest: $B2;3Z4U>^(B | Fav EVA char: $B$J$7(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$J$7(B |
03/19/98 07:31:33
Name: SOU(EX-J) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: Z95$B@1(B | Interest: $B;uKa$-(B | Fav EVA char: $B=i9f5!!J%9%+%$%?%$%W!K(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%"!<%H%G%C%;%$9f!J@dBP0c$&!K(B | Weather there?: $B%Y%`%9%?!<(B | U like coffee?: $B%4%1%_%I%mL#(B |
03/19/98 06:00:41
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Fav ST series/char: $B8e4|%7!<%:%s$K=P$F$k$*$+$C$Q$N9u?M=w@-%/%k! |
03/19/98 01:02:47
Name: SOU($B%_%i%/%k%?%$%W(B) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%V%i%C%/%[!<%kBh#3OG@1(B | Interest: $B3$Dl734O(B | Fav EVA char: $B=i9f5!!J%Q%o!<%?%$%W!K(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$_$N$+$5$4(B | Weather there?: $B%5%$%m%s%"%?%C%/(B | U like coffee?: $B%W%i%:%^Nd5Q:`L#(B |
03/18/98 12:54:34
Name: $B;*!J$U$!$$$J$k$U$e!<$8$g$s!&$W$m$0$i$`$I$j$c$"$"!<$V!*!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BGr?'WB@1Dk9q(B | Interest: $B9bEY#3K|I8$g!Fav EVA char: $B%l%$I1$KJ{$2$?$3$NL?$#"v(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%J%$%H(B2000$B!J#K#I#T#T!K(B | Weather there?: $B$9$+$$$I$s(B | U like coffee?: $B$N!<$A(B$B$'$$$5! |
03/18/98 06:26:01
Name: SOU(FlashType) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$*$=$i$/2P@1(B | Interest: $B2P@1IX$O8+$?(B | Fav EVA char: $B5p?MM"Aw5!(B |
Fav ST series/char: $BCODl2x=C$[$k$?(B | Weather there?: $B1'Ch2x=C%I%4%i(B | U like coffee?: $B%2%9%iJB$_$K(B |
03/17/98 11:24:31
Name: $B@>ED%7%s%$%A$G$'!A!A$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B9>8M$C;R(B | Interest: $B>s=Q(B | Fav EVA char: $B$"$N!D!D$j$C$A$c$s(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B | Weather there?: $B@2$l(B | U like coffee?: $B%3!<%R!<5mF}(B |
03/17/98 10:08:14
Name: $B;*!J40A494B+$P!<$8$g$s!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%J%P%[B2(B | Interest: $B@VJ}JP0\(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$$?!<$s!"$C$F$j$C$A$c$s$3$s$K$A$O!#(B |
Fav ST series/char: 101$B!"0?$$$O%<%m73Ab!J$3$l$C$9$+!)(Bsou$B$5$s!K(B | Weather there?: $B%9%Z%$%s$N1+$OU like coffee?: $B$H$&$b$m$3$7Cc$O!)(B |
03/17/98 09:27:58
Name: $B$j$C$A$c$s$G$'!A!A$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BH,J,$N0l%$%.%j%9?M$h(B | Interest: $B$*2V(B | Fav EVA char: $B$*Jl$5$s(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B | Weather there?: $B@2$l$N$AF^$j;~!9%U%'!<%6!<(B | U like coffee?: $B0{$a$J$$$N!D!D6l$/$F(B |
03/17/98 03:33:01
Name: SOU$B!J%9%H%m%s%0%?%$%W!A%^%k%A%?%$%W!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%P%k%?%s@1!J$J$s$+4V0c$$!K(B | Interest: $B;~B.#2#8#0#k#m(B | Fav EVA char: $B@o4O(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B;~!9$G$F$/$k%t%!%k%+%s?M%I%/%?! | Weather there?: $B%=%j%H%s%&%'!<%V(B | U like coffee?: $B$"$*$_$I$mL#(B |
03/17/98 03:13:01
Name: $B;*!J$\$N$\$N$P!<$8$g$s!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%/%k%G%#%9%?%s!JL$$@$J$$!K(B | Interest: $B$F$H$m$H$I$-$7$s(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$I1$r:9$7CV$$$FB>$K$J$K$,$"$k$H$$$&$N$G$;$&(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%5%$%m%s9DDk!J0c$&!K(B | Weather there?: $B3$$OG;N2;@!"Iw$O0!N2;@%,%9!"%d%^%H$,MO$1$F$7$^$&!*(B | U like coffee?: $B7k9=$J$* |
03/16/98 17:40:41
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Nationality: $B%J%$%8%'%j%"(B |
Interest: $B$"$8$"$P$0!<$:!*!*(B |
03/16/98 13:28:49
Name: $B$"$*$.$j$J$$(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\(B | Interest: $B%5%s%?%/%m!<%9$N%1!<%-(B | Fav ST series/char: $B=$9TCf(B |
Weather there?: $B@1$,8+$($^$9!#(B | U like coffee?: $B4L%3!<%R!<$O$"$^$j9%$-$G$O!&!&!&!#(B |
03/16/98 09:21:31
Name: $B;*!J$D$$$K0-$NMy URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%5%5%sD+%Z%k%7%c(B | Interest: $B$7$g$C$D$k(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$0l6Z(I%%%(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$\!<$0(B | Weather there?: $BM7@1GzCF(B | U like coffee?: $BN"@i2H(B |
03/16/98 09:10:26
My URL: Visit Me |
03/16/98 09:11:29
Name: $BDL$j$9$,$j!J$r$$!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $B%5%5%sD+$Z%k%7%!(B |
Interest: $B$7$g$C$D$k(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$$#$#$#$#$#$#$C!*(B | Fav ST series/char: $B$\!<$0(B |
Weather there?: $BM7@1GzCF(B | U like coffee?: $BN"@i2H(B |
03/13/98 05:28:19
Name: sou$B!J%9%+%$%?%$%W!K(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%m%_%e%i%s(B | Interest: $B9bB.%(%s%8%s(B | Fav EVA char: $B%m%1%C%H%i%s%A%c!<(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$9$]$C$H(B | Weather there?: $BU like coffee?: $B$3$$$$$d$D(B |
03/13/98 05:05:02
Name: $B%J%*%3$h(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $BF|K\(B |
Interest: $B2~B$(B | Fav EVA char: $B%j%D%3(B | Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B |
Weather there?: $B@2$l(B | U like coffee?: $BGv$a(B |
03/12/98 20:56:50
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/12/98 03:10:38
Name: sou | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$Q$W$"$K$e!<$.$K$"(B | Interest: 4$B5$E{(B | Fav EVA char: $B@oF.5!(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$J$N$^$7$s(B | Weather there?: $B62I]$NBg2&(B | U like coffee?: $B%3!<%R!<%U%m!<%H(B |
03/12/98 00:03:07
Name: Francoise(Owner) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/11/98 21:20:18
Name: Ami Losangelo | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: Canadanese | Interest: Internet | Fav EVA char: What's EVA?? |
Fav ST series/char: Oh. Star trek... I like uh Riker. Yah. Oh!! Q is kewler!! | Weather there?: Uh...Are you a stalker or something?? It's sunny I think. | U like coffee?: No... You're scaring me. |
03/11/98 15:21:08
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Nationality: $B%o%s%@%U%k!*(B |
Interest: $B%$%1$F$kCK$N%$%s%F%j(B$B%"!*!*(B |
03/11/98 04:56:21
Name: sou | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: klingon | Fav EVA char: $B;HEL(B | Fav ST series/char: $B$O$2(B |
U like coffee?: $BKuCc(B |
03/10/98 15:15:03
Name: $B?@ED!w#E#V#A4[Bg2H(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Interest: $B$H$&$U(B | Fav EVA char: $B$U$X$X(B(*^^*) | Fav ST series/char: TNG$B$H$d$i$r8+$F$_$?$$(B |
U like coffee?: $B=5$K#1GU0{$`$/$i$$(B |
03/08/98 23:42:14
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%J%$%8%'%j%"(B | Interest: $B0&(B | Fav EVA char: $BL4!)(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$=$l$O$=$&$H!#(B | Weather there?: $B$J$0$5$_!#(B | U like coffee?: $B$d$,$F!D(B |
03/08/98 23:41:13
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%J%$%8%'%j%"(B | Interest: $B0&(B | Fav EVA char: $BL4!)(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B$=$l$O$=$&$H!#(B | Weather there?: $B$J$0$5$_!#(B | U like coffee?: $B$d$,$F!D(B |
03/08/98 08:16:36
Name: $B@>ED%3%&%$%A$G$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $BF|K\(B |
Interest: $B%i%j! | Fav EVA char: $B%J%*%3$5$s$G$9(B | Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B |
Weather there?: $B@2$l$F$k(B | U like coffee?: $BG~Cc(B |
03/08/98 08:12:54
Name: $B@>ED%3%&%$%A$G$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $BF|K\(B |
Interest: $B%i%j! | Fav EVA char: $B%J%*%3$5$s$G$9(B | Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B |
Weather there?: $B@2$l$F$k(B | U like coffee?: $BG~Cc(B |
03/07/98 09:53:02
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%J%$%8%'%j%"(B | Interest: $B$R$-FyAj>l(B | Fav EVA char: $BO765;UMM$G$9$o!#(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%*%I!Weather there?: $B$V$?(B |
03/07/98 09:51:16
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B%J%$%8%'%j%"(B | Interest: $B$R$-FyAj>l(B | Fav EVA char: $BO765;UMM$G$9$o!#(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%*%I!Weather there?: $B$V$?(B |
03/06/98 15:41:18
Name: $B$"$*$.$j$J$$(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Nationality: $BF|K\(B |
U like coffee?: $BGv$$$N$,$$$$$G$9$M$'!#(B |
03/05/98 11:54:22
Name: $B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
03/03/98 16:53:13
Name: $B$j$C$A$c$s$G$'!A!A$9(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $BF|K\(B($B#1!?#8$@$1%(%2%l%9!K(B |
Interest: $B$a$=(B | Fav EVA char: $B%l%$(B | Fav ST series/char: $B%R%2%i%$%+!<(B |
Weather there?: $BLk(B | U like coffee?: $B$^$@0{$^$;$F$b$i$($J$$$N(B |
03/02/98 00:31:40
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Fav EVA char: $B:Y$$4c6@!)!D$"$"!"%i!a%U%)!<%8MM$M!*(B |
02/27/98 09:16:45
Name: $B$A$H$/(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$K$C$]$s(B | Interest: $BMx;R!"MxB)(B | Fav ST series/char: $B:Y$$4c6@$7$??M(B |
Weather there?: $B0-$/$J$$(B | U like coffee?: $B4L%3!<%R!<$J$i(B |
02/08/98 06:33:58
Name: $B%J%*%3$h(B | My URL: Visit Me | Nationality: $BB?J,F|K\(B |
Interest: $BJ\(B | Fav EVA char: $BL<(B | Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U(B |
Weather there?: $BF^$j(B | U like coffee?: $B%^%s%I%i%4%i(B |
02/06/98 23:10:05
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o$G$9$o!#(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Nationality: Bolian |
U like coffee?: $B$"$"!"$A$g$C$H0{$_$?$$$+$b!#(B |
02/03/98 08:19:24
Name: $B%J%*%3$h(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\$h(B | Interest: $B2~B$!"Fav EVA char: $BL<$N%j%D%3$h(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%A%'%3%U$h(B | Weather there?: $BLk$M(B | U like coffee?: $B%^%s%G%j%s$@$o(B |
11/03/97 07:40:04
Name: $B%U%i%s%=%o$M$9$o!#(B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Fav EVA char: $B%+%C$H$P$7$^$9$o!#(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%9%C$H$P$7$^$9$o!#(B | U like coffee?: $B0{$_$^$9$o!#(B |
10/25/97 04:48:08
Name: $B%J%*%3$h(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\$h!&C6Fa$O%/%)!<%?!<$@$C$?$o(B | Interest: $B2~B$!&2rK6!&2~NI$M(B | Fav EVA char: $B0&L<$N%j%D%3$M(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%9%3%C%H$M(B | Weather there?: $B8Q$N2GF~$j$@$o(B | U like coffee?: $B%^%s%G%j%s$h(B |
10/15/97 16:05:48
Name: $B$U$8$]$s(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $B$U$+$o$j$g$&$NB-85(B | Interest: $B#M#r!%%U%8%F%l%S(B | Fav EVA char: $B#8#9!%#5#6!s$N3NN($GB?J,%"%9%+MM(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B4OD9$NA0F,MU(B | Weather there?: $B$*E75$%/%8%i(B | U like coffee?: $B$d$O$j%G%K!<%:(B |
10/14/97 05:41:14
Name: $B%"%:%,$h$)(B |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
10/06/97 01:43:33
Name: E$B#034;%9%+$h$%!#(J</td> (B <td><b>My URL:</b>$B・(B$$B#060;a hree・(B;$B"http://">Visit・(BK$Be</a></td>(Bu$$B#060;td><b>My・(BC$Bmail:</b> <a href="mailto:kohei@sk(B 2.so-net.or.jp">Emaik~Me</a></td> </tr> <tr><td><b>Nationality:</b> %I%$%D | Interest: $B%f%K%>%s(J</td> (B <td><b>Fav$B・(BC$BVA cg・(B_$Br:</b>y#・(B@$B$7!D%7%s%87/$+$7$i!J$]$C!K(B |
Fav ST series/char: $BNI$/J,$+$i$J$$$o!#(B |
10/05/97 13:50:17
Name: $B$^$C$3$&(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: $BF|K\$@$H;W$&(B | Interest: $B%5%C%+!<(J%y$B=w$N;R(B | Fav EVA char: $B$j$C$A$c$s(B |
Fav ST series/char: $B%9%3%C%H(B | Weather there?: $B@2$l$F$^$9!#(B | U like coffee?: $B7y$$$8$c$J$$$G$9!#(B |
10/04/97 00:05:17
Name: testagaib |
My URL: Visit Me |
10/03/97 23:51:55
Name: grrt | My URL: Visit Me |
Nationality: gggg | Fav EVA char: baaa |
10/03/97 23:39:21
Name: $B%U%i%s8&(B | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Nationality: Romulasuka | Your interest: $B2K$D$V$7(B | Your favorite EVA character: $B%Z%s%Z%s(B |
Your favorite ST series/character: $B%1%9(B | What's the weather like?: $BL2$j$?$$!D(B | A cup of coffee, please?: $B0{$_$?$$!D(B |